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Ness Lambda triggered by cron or SQS

This addon is simply to manage an AWS lambda triggered by cron of SQS

At the end it create a terraform file and the skeleton of a nodejs lambda in an existing repository.

If the lambda is triggered by cron, it will have permission to write to an SQS queue If the lambda is triggered by sqs, the queue will be created

As it's an addon, they are dependencies on terraform resources which should be present in the repo:

  • data.aws_vpc.vpc_app_prod the VPC in which the lambda should be attached
  • data.aws_subnets.private_subnets the subnets the lambda should be attached
  • data.aws_region.current the AWS region to deploy too
  • data.aws_caller_identity.current to retrieve tha AWS account id
  • aws_security_group.vpc_lambda the security group to attach to the lambda
  • aws_vpc_security_group_egress_rule.vpc_lambda egress in the above security group
  • var.environment the environment for which the lambda will run
  • var.A_SECRET_NAME a variable with the name of a secret (the name will be asked by tam-cliand will be passed as environment variable to the lambda). Usefull to get infos on how to connect to some external APIs
  • random_string.this used to name some AWS resources to avoid duplicates

So the following terraform code should exists in the destination repo:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    random = {
      source  = "hashicorp/random"
      version = "~> 3.0"

resource "random_string" "this" {
  length  = 4
  special = false
  numeric = false
  upper   = false

resource "aws_security_group" "vpc_lambda" {
  name        = "${var.environment}-YOUR-REPO-NAME"
  description = "Security group attached to the lambdas"
  vpc_id      =

resource "aws_vpc_security_group_egress_rule" "vpc_lambda" {
  security_group_id =
  cidr_ipv4         = ""
  ip_protocol       = -1

data "aws_caller_identity" "current" {}

data "aws_region" "current" {}

data "aws_vpc" "vpc_app_prod" {
  tags = {
    Name      = "VPCApp-Prod"
    Landscape = "Prod"

data "aws_subnets" "private_subnets" {
  filter {
    name   = "tag:Name"
    values = ["VPCApp-Prod-Private1", "VPCApp-Prod-Private2", "VPCApp-Prod-Private3"]

variable "environment" {
  description = "The environment this resource will be deployed in."
  type        = string

variable "A_SECRET_NAME" {
  description = "Name of the secret with the infos to connect to studio"
  type        = string

To improve

  • Create a "ness-lambda" terraform module and let this template instanciate the module.
  • Reduce the number of test in the template (create generic terraform file and let the user choose what to keep)

Usage Instructions

The preferred way to use the template is through the tam-cli tool. This tool allows you to easily initialize a new project with a template.


pipx install git+


tam template init [REPO_NAME]

Follow the prompts to select the template.